Category: UX/UI & Web Design

Indexed Article Display Design Update

Re-design for the display of ASCII obituaries

Image Viewer Design Update

An update of the original Image Viewer design to tie in with the new visual design updates to Search Results.

Search Results

The search results design was one part of a multi-phase design clean-up. I worked with product managers and stakeholders to improve the clarity of the visual design for…

Image Viewer Design

Competitive research, stakeholder requirements, and personas guided the design of the user interface and the display of newspaper content. Newspaper name, date, and location are displayed at the top…

Quick Shop Design

The quick shop feature was designed to give customers easy access to product information and to allow them to either add a product to their cart, view the…

Search Design

Designed to improve the search experience and give the customer greater control over their search. Faceted search options were added to the sidebar, allowing customers to narrow their results…

Simplification Centre Site Build

Re-built the site to improve usability, integrate the blog, and make publishing and maintenance easier. Web fonts served via Typekit. Implemented using WordPress and the Whiteboard Framework (html…